So, check it out... its already June! How exciting! I'm sure time hasn't passed as fast for you as it has me but time its just whizzing by. The next few days will continue to go by fast as well because it is the beginning of the month which is when I have to do my CMR inventory. ugh! Not only do I have to verify all of our gear, but my CO wants to go through everything with me at the same time which means I can't just take care of business when I want to, I have to make sure his schedule is clear. Its really throwing a kink in my plans. I had a whole process in mind to knock this out in a few days, now its all kanked. It's going to take at least 10 days I bet.
I have been working out pretty regularly. The problem is that I've traded running for lifting. This means I may be getting stronger, but at the same time I'm getting a little flabby too. I just thought of this because I had an itch on my lower back and noticed my love handles seemed a little bigger. Running here is bad. All we can do is run in a small "circle" around the FOB about a thousand times and that makes a mile. Repeating the same route during a run is no fun at all. Thats also why I can't stand running on a treadmill. It drives me crazy! I don't know what I'm going to do. Maybe I'll start running twice a week or so. I'm not committing to anything yet until I run once and see how miserable it is.
Guess what? Something pretty cool came around these past few days. A mobile PX. Yeah, really! I didn't know we had these things. A ton of goodies came on a helicopter, they set up a little shop in the USO building and we were able to go in and buy all kinds of stuff. I bought Sweet Tea, some Hormel microwave lunches, Pringles, White Cheddar Cheez-itz, razor blades and a few other knick nacks. The Marines, including myself, loved it. What a great morale booster! Supposedly they will come once a month. That would be nice. I think almost every enlisted marine bought at least one pack of Monster/Throttle energy drinks. I cant believe how addicted to that stuff these guys are. It can't be good. They down them too. I bet within the next week most will have run through all of theirs and anyone who has any left will have GOLD to trade for whatever they want.
This past week we tried to get a swim session in for the Marines. They are on a multiple day rotation and we want to give them something to look forward to afterward. We figured jumping in a nice cold lake would be fun. It didn't go through but maybe within these next couple weeks we will work out the logistics and security to make it available to them once a week or so. I should have brought a fishing pole(not really)! We see some big creatures in that water. I'm sure its nothing compared to the creatures we have in the south though so I'm not worried.
Still waiting on a room. The guy whose room I am supposed to take cant get out of here! He's been trying to for the past week but can't get on a flight. I'm really looking forward to having some privacy. I'm done with this whole living in the open out of my bags. Heres what I need to do... the next chopper that goes through I should just tie him up and throw him on.
I got to do something else new!! We just recently got IR Illum for M777 a couple years ago. So new I never even learned about it in the schoolhouse. Anyway, we shot it tonight, its pretty sweet. We wanted to see how effective it was at supporting our Marines on a patrol. Not a big deal for most of you, but its kind of cool to say I shot it.
Well, I am going to cut this one a little short, just wanted you all to know everything is going well, I'm still loving it, and I miss you all a lot. I have done a VERY bad job at calling people. I actually haven't called anyone in over two weeks. Email really is the best way to talk so if you want to chat, try that route!
I hate rushing too. Just FYI :) Time's flying here too. One month down!