Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Questions from Julia...

"1. Do you ever to get to eat at Afghani restaurants?

2. Who cooks your dinner? Do you have a designated chef?

3. How do you work out? Do you have a gym?

4. Can you pirate films while on base? How closely do "they" monitor your computer?

5. What is your job on base in Hawaii?

6. How many officers are with you in Kajaki?

I'd like a full description for each question please. Three to four sentences should suffice.

Thank you! Love you! Bye!"

These were presented to me in an email a few days ago and figured if she had these questions, I'm sure others do so why not answer them on here.

1. No. Actually I don't even know if there are any Afghani restaurants. I know for a fact there aren't any where I am, its way too crazy for a restaurant to be around here. The closest I have gotten to Afghani food is the bread that a local guy brings us. He makes it in the bizarre outside the Fob and walks it up to us sometimes. Its pretty good.

2.We have two designated cooks. That is their job in the Marine Corps. They were attached to us before we left and take care of us for breakfast and dinner. We also have a SSgt who is my platoon sergeant, SSgt Robinson, that is an excellent cook so he usually goes down there and teaches them a thing of two about seasoning the food to make it taste better. I have nothing to complain about, I've been really impressed.

3. We do have a "gym." I need to do a better job at taking some pictures. The trick is I cant take pictures of the layout of the Fob so I will have to make sure to zoom in where you can only see the gym. It has two flat benches, a curling station, 1 set of weights from 15 all the way up to 100, a row machine, a few pull-up bars, a squat station, leg press, leg curls, a ghetto pulley system for triceps or lat pull downs and thats about it. It works.

4. This is a scary question. I haven't thought much about "them." I don't pirate films, Julia! I'm a good boy and pay for all my stuff. I guess if I really wanted to I could but it would take forever because the connection is pretty slow.

5. My job on base in Hawaii was Fire Direction Officer. When I get back it will be that, as well as Headquarters Platoon Commander until they move me somewhere else.

6. This is a funny questions because today I met my second general since I've been here. We get ALL KINDS of officers coming to visit for a few hours. Its definitely not uncommon at all. But as for the ones with a more permanent status... about 9.

Well, if anyone else has some questions please ask. It makes my writing a lot easier. Update on myself... I had my own room for one night only to be told the next day that I needed to move out because we have to leave that room open for VIP's that get stuck here. I argued it with some tact trying to get a good reason as to why we have to leave a nice big AC room wide open all the time when one or two nights out of the 6 months someone will be staying in there. I'm here for 6 months, they may have to stay 1 night. I said I'd gladly give my room up when they get here, but it was to no effect. After 4 hours of moving in one night, I got everything back out the next day. Except I took the furniture and internet with me. So I do have shelves, internet, and a bed. Just no privacy. Its okay. I really don't mind. Just wish I had known before I stayed up past midnight unpacking all my stuff. I agree with my commands' decision, just a little frustrating that the word didn't get passed to me until it was too late.

Anyway, I'm going to run. Hope everyone is doing well. Much love!


  1. I forgot to mention that I am officially debt free now! If you didn't know, about a year ago I took out some money to help buy some land with my mom and about a week ago I just paid it off! Pretty good feeling for sure. This First Lieutenant combat pay with no taxes and 3 years of service is AWESOME. It almost makes me never want to leave just because of the hookup I'm getting here. Almost. But just so we are on the same page... I'd still rather come home, get married and live in Hawaii. Speaking of which my battery gunny just got orders to stay in Hawaii for another 3 years until he retires. I wish I could do that!!!!!

  2. But what does a Fire Direction Officer do??

  3. I am ashamed that you do not know this.

    Think of Artillery as Eyes, Brain and Braun. The eyes are the observers. This can be anything from air, optics, humans, cameras, anything that can get target location. The brain is the Fire Direction Center. This is where the observer calls in his target location and size. The FDC then processes that information into data. That data is sent down the the gunline. The braun is the guns. They just put the data on the gun and go boom. All that said. I supervises everything that goes on in the FDC and am responsible for accurate and timely fires.

  4. I didn't hear any booms in Hawaii...

  5. We can only go boom on the Big Island
